
Biking to a view of the North Saskatchewan River and downtown Edmonton from Walterdale Hill, Edmonton, AB.

Explore Edmonton by Bike and Connect to Nature


Did you know Edmonton, AB, is home to the largest stretch of connected urban parkland in North...

Hike under the Sun in Northern Sunrise County


Here, where the horizon clings to the dawn seemingly forever, you’ll find some of Canada’s newest...

Sunset from the Journey North Cider Co. patio.

Recharge and chill in Bonnyville


In the fiery glow of a prairie sunset, seen from the balcony of Journey North Cider Co., the trio of...

His-Shuk-nish-tsa-waak - Where everything is one


Within a few steps onto a tree-lined trail do you ever say to yourself, “Why don’t I do this more...

Allies in Exploration


How can we act as good allies when we travel and explore in Western Canada?

Great places to find fall foliage


When it comes to taking in the changing autumn leaves across Western Canada, aim to visit in October...

Eco-Anxiety: Here's how you can help


Yes, Eco-Anxiety is now a thing. Some of us are feeling a bit of dread and are weary with the way we...

Here’s Ways to Change Our Ways


Here’s how you can get in on #FridaysForFuture – sign up or join one of these potentials

3 great places to find fall in B.C.


Fall in British Columbia is a time of unparalleled beauty. The mixed forests of deciduous and...


3 places to find Zen in Southern BC and Alberta


The hustle and bustle of daily life can be overwhelming at times, so finding somewhere quiet is a...


Hiking into History #ExplorePortAlberni


I thought it was the beauty of Kiixin that took my breath away. I thought it was the archeological...


Birds that brave the Canadian Winter


Bundled up with scarves, mitts, big jackets and toques you brave a walk through the winter landscape...

Cariboo Mountains BC snowshoeing spruce fir pine trees Christmas snow

Tell the difference between pine, spruce and fir


Is it a fir? Spruce? Pine? I don’t know about you, but calling all trees with spikey green needles a...